Carmen Perez

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Discover the psychology behind fear and take 10 steps to conquer it By Carmen Perez

Consider your greatest goal.Why aren't we achieving our greatest goal yet?Fear is the main reason you haven't achieved your goals if you're anything like most people.Fear is what stops you from achieving the results you desire.Fear can distract us and lead to excuses. But it doesn't have the right to.It is possible to learn how to conquer fear.
It is easy to pretend that fear doesn't influence you and make excuses for why you aren't doing what you can.Instead of trying to hide from fear, look at it as a signal to move forward, and not an excuse.Focus on your goal.You'll give in if you allow fear to keep you from achieving your goal.
Fear of failure, fear of uncertainty and other fears are all caused by the limiting beliefs that hold you back.These 10 steps will show you how to overcome fear and get you closer to the life that you desire.
Psychology behind fear defeat 
If you don't know the mechanisms behind anxiety and fear, it can be daunting to learn how to overcome them.Fear is an evolutionary response. Don't be ashamed of feeling afraid.Your brain and body are communicating with your brain, even though it might not feel that way at the moment.Fear can be overcome when you are able to recognize the signals.
Tony Robbins is a world-renowned expert on how to overcome fear and create a life you love.His vast experience shows that fear is not limited to the symptoms we feel when in scary situations.There are many types of fear.
Physical fear 
Fear is often thought of as physical threats. This can be triggered by an outside event such as a loud noise, standing in front of people, or looking up at a tall building.12 percent of adults have a fear of physical dangers.Phobias can be defined as extreme fear of an object, situation, or animal.Phobias include fear of spiders, heights and public speaking in enclosed spaces.
You may feel your heart rate increase and your breathing speed up during a physical fear response.A pit in your stomach may occur. You might feel dizzy, get dizzy, or have dry lips.You may feel tense or weaker in your muscles.All these symptoms are caused by your body's "fight-or-flight" response.You'd be in danger if you didn't have the fear response.Fear can come in many forms, and not all of them are obvious in modern times.
Anxiety can be described as long-term fear.Anxiety is often a long-term fear.Stress can cause anxiety and other long-lasting problems. Your body releases cortisol when you are stressed.Cortisol excess can lead to sleep problems, poor focus, weight gain, and even a decrease in your immune system.
Many of us feel anxious about taking risks such as jumping into a new career , being vulnerable in a romantic relationship, or investing our hard-earned cash . This can lead to generalized anxiety where you have trouble falling asleep, can't focus, and repeat the same scenarios over and over again in your head.What is the root cause?Tony discovered that there are many types of fear that can be deep-rooted in the mind.
Fear of insecurity 
Six Human needs are the driving force behind all our decisions, thoughts and behavior.Many of us want certainty. We want to know the future.We need certainty, but we also need variety and uncertainty in our lives.Fear of uncertainty can prevent us from moving out of our comfort areas.It tells us that we should stay where it's safe. And this is why many feel trapped and unable to reach their goals.
Fear of Failure 
Fear of failure is another common fear. It stems from our human need for certainty and the need to be meaningful.Avoiding failure is a way to avoid pain and to gain pleasure.Failure makes us feel unimportant and small. We want to feel important.We're wired to grow and failure is a sign of success.You must change your outlook on failure so that you see it as a positive and not a negative.
  • Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan